3.5 miles (i think)

weather.com said it was 32 degrees today, but i definitely didn't check the windchill before i left (which is highly important in the windy city). running south was ok, but coming back up north was awful. it was so windy that my eyes were watering and my legs were numb. my watch read 36:42 when i got back to my place. i sure as hell hope that was 3.5 miles, but it's hard to say with how bad the wind was.
as terrible as the conditions were, i felt pretty great afterwards - accomplished, i guess you could say. did 100 crunches and 30 push ups, took a shower and then gorged at an all-you-can-eat comfort food buffet. bad idea? probably. worth it? absolutely. i'm going to take advantage of my crazy metabolism for as long as possible.
tomorrow: 4.5 to 5 miles
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