5 miles

first song on my shuffle today: "uptight (everything's alright)" - stevie wonder
so there are few things in my life that i'm 100% sure of...the fact that i HATE treadmills is definitely one of the few.
channel 5 said it was 27 degrees when i woke up this morning. after yesterday's run in the wind and cold, i decided i'd try the 5 miles indoors. i made it 30 minutes on a treadmill before realizing that i'd rather chop off my foot and throw it at the girl in front of me than run another 2 miles on the damned thing. i ran the last 2 miles on the indoor track (21:17 just to make sure i got in 5 miles). felt pretty shitty up until the last mile. go figure.
i guess that was technically my very first "long run" of the winter season. now, i just have to make sure it's not my last.
total mileage for the week: 14.5 miles
tomorrow: rest day
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