running on ice

Monday, July 03, 2006

7 miles - 7/1/06

there's a reason i ran track and cross country in high school...and that reason became very clear on saturday at my sister's 4th of july party.

i suck at anything that requires any skills other than putting one foot in front of the other...and that includes horseshoes.

yeah, that's right, i said horseshoes.

after feeling pretty great from another fun long run with the cara marathon training program that morning, i quickly lost that high a few hours later as i (along with my poor, unsuspecting partner) were getting embarrassingly killed in a game of horseshoes. i'm pretty sure we forfeited after 20 minutes and a score of 9-0.

yeah, i think i'll stick with putting one foot in front of the other.

weekly mileage: 16 miles
tomorrow: 3 miles


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