4 miles

yet, somehow, i have a neutral gait. last year, i decided to stop being such a heavy heel striker and started running completely on my forefoot. from the wear on my shoes and the way i run, the guy at the running store said it's ridiculous for me to wear stability shoes but guessed that everyone just assumed i was an overpronater because of my fred flintstone feet. so, when he brought out the three or four boxes of neutral shoes for me to try, the only thing running through my head was, "there aren't any mizunos in there."
i've been running in mizunos for about four or five years. i had no idea how attached i was to them until i realized that i was going to switch brands. when i finally decided on the brooks, it was as if i had agreed to infidelity.
well, today, i did it. i cheated on my mizunos and broke in the brooks for the first time. and i gotta say...it was pretty nice. there was so much cushioning in the forefoot, i felt like i was running with pillows on my feet.
i'm sure i'll grow to love the brooks. but there will always be a special place in my heart for the mizunos.
tomorrow: rest day
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