running on ice

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

awesomely disgusting

so this has nothing to do with running, but i just had to comment on a "sport" that calls for endurance, speed, mental and physical strength and a very lazy gag reflex...

for the past few years, i have watched the annual nathan's hot dog eating contest on the 4th of july.

these crazy people have 12 minutes to eat as many hot dogs and buns as they can.

this year, reigning champ takeru kobayashi broke his own record with 53 3/4 hot dogs and buns and won the coveted mustard belt. that's right...the mustard belt. his previous record was 53 1/2. mind you, this guy is 160 pounds.

the chotchkies clan was so amused by this little guy and his "kobayashi quiver" that we held our own eating contests. i think we should have another one in celebration of a new hot dog eating world record.

i love a man who can eat his weight in processed meat. hott.


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