running on ice

Monday, June 02, 2008

Bulldog Bootcamp Day 1

today was the first day of bulldog bootcamp. for the next three months, three days a week, sb and i will finally get our asses back into shape.

today was the first assessment test. allow me to summarize the results of this test:

i have no fitness.


ok, so here are the details:
  • push-ups in a minute: 21 (surprising, but honestly i can't remember if it's 21 or 23...i was too tired by the end...they have the official results so i'll find out eventually)
  • sit-ups in a minute: 36 (also surprising)
  • 1 mile run: 10:06 (slow and not surprising)
the next session is wednesday, but i have class so i'll be missing it. not sure if that's a good or bad thing. all i know is that tomorrow my arms might fall off and my chest might explode - all in the name of getting back into my size 4 jeans. woohoo!


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