hurt so good

i was in pittsburgh for thanksgiving with my family and decided it'd be a good time to start running again. the weather was gorgeous and my sister lives in a really great neighborhood with plenty of room to run. unfortunately, the bad part about it was that pittsburgh is hilly. really hilly. neither my legs nor my lungs were prepared for that.
however, as much as it hurt...i loved it. i loved being out on the roads again and feeling the after-run high. i ran twice while i was in pittsburgh - once on thursday and once on saturday, both times for 21 minutes. why 21 minutes? i have no idea...i just decided to stop when i felt like stopping...and both times it was 21 minutes after i started. it could've been 2 miles, but it probably wasn't. i'm pretty sure i was running 11-11:30 minute miles.
you know what the best part about that is? i don't care how slow it was. i just loved how great it felt.
tomorrow: rest day
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