13.1 miles

well, that was interesting in both good and bad ways.
good because i had a great send-off; because it was a beautiful day for a race; because runners are the best people in the world; because i felt awesome for about 11 miles; because there was a smiling face at the finish line; because when i finished, they had ice cold wet towels for us; but mostly because i finished.
bad because i almost jacked my ankle (flashes of sb's boot running through my mind); because by mile 12, my legs started to get really heavy; but mostly because with about 400 meters left to go, my right calf completely cramped up. i couldn't bring myself to stop to stretch it out, so i figured i'd just heel strike and toe off as hard as i could to get rid of the cramp. extremely stupid move, i know, but it worked...thankfully...because if i had to run through the finish line in front of all those people dragging my leg behind me, i would've felt like such a loser.
i don't know why that happened, but it makes me really nervous. i hydrated and took gu along the way. i hydrated and carbo-loaded the days leading up to the race. sigh.
i ran 12 miles last weekend, and i'm not sure why this race took so much more of a toll on my body. i'm just going to try not to let it get to me and just continue on with my training.
tomorrow: rest day
You are my idol. I remember back in the day (i.e.) last year when I could actually keep up with you!
Anonymous, at 9:31 AM
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