running on ice

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

25 minutes

went on my first run in two weeks tonight. felt pretty great except for the fact that my right leg is still locking up on me. not sure what's going on there. hoping it goes away eventually.

the wind was awful, but the sky was just gorgeous. it was this incredible mix of blues and purples that were so vibrant they didn't look real. the pic isn't of what i saw tonight but from one of the shots sb and i took in puerto vallarta.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

it's over.

-i paid the $110 registration fee.
-i trained for 18 weeks.
-i got to the starting line.

after that, everything else was shit.

-the only aid station i approached that had fluids was the very first one.
-my pace dropped off to 14 minutes/mile because i was running off the roads to find water fountains, standing in line and begging for water from spectators and running into the white hen to buy my own bottle of water.
-i was diverted back to the finish line at mile 16, and they blocked off the streets with fire trucks so i had no choice but to go to grant park.
-the only reason i didn't drop was because of the awesome spectators in chicago who worked their asses off to get us as much water as they could.
-carey pinkowski is a douche.

that about sums it up.

i take back everything i said last year.

p.s. chuck goudie rules.

Monday, October 01, 2007

officially freaking out

i have been so busy lately that i haven't really had much time to think about the marathon. well, today, i thought about it.

i thought about it...and i'm officially freaking out.
it can't possibly be this sunday. my heart is racing and my stomach is doing flip flops.

i bonked during the 20 miler. i missed two runs last week and only made it 6 out of the 8 miles i was supposed to do over the weekend. i'm not ready to run this. my legs and feet are shit. my mind is elsewhere. i'm freaking out.

please, just let me finish...