running on ice

Thursday, May 17, 2007

more runs - no posts

i've run a few times since my last post so i figured i should write something new.

ran today, and it felt kind of crappy. not sure why. this saturday is the miles for malawi 3 miler so hopefully i'll make it in the heat they're calling for...yuck.

the good news is that last saturday i had a fantastic 3 mile run. i finally got that runner's high - i wasn't going all that fast, but damn it felt really good.

oh, and more good news - sb is back! yay! so excited for the summer running season with him.

tonight - more physical therapy

Saturday, May 05, 2007

2.8 miles

first song on the shuffle: dirty vegas - inxs

it was a gorgeous day for a run. a little warm for a sweaty person like myself, but at least it wasn't as bad as last sunday's run. woof.

still trying to keep up with all the pt exercises and stretches i'm supposed to do everyday. i think i'm getting stronger and a little faster - hard to say though. i still can't believe i can run 10 minute miles anymore, but i guess that's due to the 15-20 pounds i've put on since august. but the more i run, the more weight i'll lose and the faster i'll get, right? right.

tomorrow: run or bike...haven't decided yet.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

things i'm learning about physical therapy

i've been out of the blogging groove - probably because i've been out of the running groove. i finally went to see a good sports med doc a few weeks ago. apparently the reason why i keep injuring my right leg is because it's much weaker than my left leg. i also have hypermobility (or something) in my joints, which means i need to be extra strong to keep them in check.

soooo...he sent my ass to physical therapy. my therapist, who is also a runner from ohio and all-around nice guy, said he would help me with massage, strength and flexibility.

so here's what i'm learning about pt:

1. massage no longer has a completely positive connotation - it was initially great. he was all gentle, rubbing in this ointment stuff. then all of a sudden he turns into the incredible hulk and starts digging in. i tried to be a hardass and not wince, but i couldn't help it after a while. however, my leg did feel 10 times better later that evening.

2. the foam roll is a weapon from the devil. i have no idea who created this torture device, but my goodness i hate it...more than i hate treadmills.

3. i'm about as flexible as a lead pipe and have as much balance as a blind three-legged dog.

please, mr. pt man...fix me.